Have you ever heard the term called “Oneitis. Well, the dictionary meaning of the word is
“Oneitis is the state of desiring and/or pursuing the love, affection, and sexual attention of one specific potential female partner to such an obsessive degree that all other women are excluded, dismissed, overlooked, or ignored”
So whoever is in the pain of a break up is ideally suffering from the disease of ONEITIS
To search for any answer first we need analyse the question properly , the question in discussion here is>>> How to get over the pain of a break up?
The reasons for the pain is LOVE they say but not exactly that but below are…
1.Lack of purpose/work:
· When you don’t have any productive work to do obviously our mind thinks about past , if anyone is in the pain of loosing a person whom they love most ,our mind would be unable to accept it because we are not able to provide it another exciting moments to enjoy
· Life is very short create as many good experiences as possible
· Just observe in which activity in the daily routine you’re forgetting to see the watch for time , just keep doing it like watching TV/Netflix, movies, playing games, travelling, spending time with loved ones etc
· Our mind has beautiful quality to forget bad memories when we feed it with another good moments
So find your purpose now & dive into it
2.Under estimating yourself :
· When you want someone so deeply in your life , you’re mentally doing a slavery to that person
· If you don’t value yourself no one will give you, just respect yourself first, how can you be still in love when she/he fucked up you man!!! ,
>>> shame on you
· You’re unique , You’re special , there is nobody like you in this world , be kind to yourself ,save yourself ,
· She/he doesn’t deserve you , she/he will realise it very soon but don’t care her/him anymore ,just fuck all the memories from your mind ,eliminate her/him from your mind
3. Be selfish:
· Ayn Rand said
“Don’t exist for others & don’t ask others to exist for you”
If you understand the meaning of the above line ,life will become very happy
· Put yourself first in all aspect ,just fuck the concept of altruism ,it’s a theory meant for fools
· Don’t expect anything from anyone ,you will be certainly disappointed , people do things for their benefits which is absolutely fine but just try to understand this naked fact
· Carl marks said “ All Human relationships are economic relationships”, even you’re parents wont like you if you don’t earn money, isn’t it? then why are stopping just for a girl/boy who took a decision to move on?
· When she/he can be able to move on why cant you?
4.Dont chase but attract:
· Don’t try to chase anyone but try to attract what’s the difference ?
· When you are continuously trying to impress her that implies you’re chasing her,but whereas if you’re just as you are yet if she likes you(yes,it is certainly possible) then you attracted her with your uniqueness
· So be yourself ,Be confident about your strengths & flaws
5. Nothing changes when nothing changes :
· Turn the table around-
· When your home is full of garbage you will have to clean it to make your home look good, same applies here you’re mind is filled with garbage just clean it ,vomit negativity now.
· It takes one decision to change everything ,the rest is keep sticking to that decision & actionable
6.Get fit:
· Weak body implies weak mind ,Get up now lift the weights
· Ready your body for a brand new transformation
· This is magic because once you start going to gym it becomes obsession , try it.
Many people say many things but its you who is responsible for your life so take action now ,just remember one thing “Save Yourself in you, He is bleeding already , Go save him NOW.
Thanks for reading.